Tuesday 23 November 2021

Airgraph No. 3 Electric light in the tent

 Airgraph NO. 3

AUST. No 34171 
LAC Cooney, JF 
No. 3 Squadron R.A.A.F.,  
Cent. Medit. Forces

1st Dec ‘43


Dear Mum,

                  Airgraphs are taking as long as sea mail to get here these days because yesterday I received one which was sent by you on 18th Sept. I think that the plane carrying the original copies must have been lost & they must have made another copy of them.

I suppose the photos have arrived by this. At least I hope they have. You haven’t mentioned them as yet.

I thought Betty & Leo were going out to some place near Forbes to live but if they are looking for a house between Concord & Parramatta Leo must have got a job near there. I haven’t had a letter from Betty since before the wedding, not even an airgraph.

We have things organised a bit better in the tent these days. I told you some time ago that we had a wireless speaker in the tent, well now we have a couple 6 valve short wave radio & on top of that we have an electric light laid on. Shortly after the squad landed in Italy they obtained a portable electric lighting  plant & now it supplies electric light to every tent. There are so many wires running from it that it looks more like a sub-station.

I opened the cake last night for supper & it was lovely. You can send as many of those as you like. The chocolates in the other parcel were extra good.

Much love to Dad, Bet & Leo,         Lovingly Yours     Frank



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